The National Resident Matching Program® (NRMP®) will convene its stakeholder conference in Boston this year. The meeting is intended to provide a forum for robust conversation among members of the undergraduate and graduate medical education communities about issues relevant to the transition to residency.


Upon completion of this activity, participants should be able to:

  • Discuss the transition from medical school to residency and the tools and resources available to support trainees, programs, and medical schools
  • Assess how social and environmental factors impact trainees as they transition into residency and early career
  • Explore innovative projects and research initiatives that better inform the UME and GME communities’ understanding of the selection, recruitment, and training experience


NRMP will offer a 3.5-hour pre-conference workshop on October 5. The workshop will consist of two tracks, one for medical school representatives and another for training program representatives, and will dive deep into topics designed to enhance attendees’ understanding of the role of the NRMP in the transition to residency, navigation of the Main Residency Match, and the availability of important Match-related tools and resources. Space in the workshop will be limited and filled on a first come, first served basis. The pre-conference workshop will be moderated by NRMP staff.

Conference registration will be limited to 350 attendees. Please plan to join us in Boston!

This site will be updated regularly with information about the meeting program and speakers.


The target audience for this meeting includes physician trainees, GME program directors and coordinators, designated institutional officials, and medical school student affairs and academic affairs deans and faculty. Other professionals engaged in medical education research or clinical practice as well as those new to the GME community also are welcome.

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Content is subject to change without notice. Please refer to the activity website for the most current information.

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